James 的記錄: Google Map API V1 API Key 2012年12月20日 - Google Map API V1 API Key現在需從 https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/v1/maps-api-signup 這裡申請, 因為api v2 v3 ...
google maps api key v1 - 相關部落格
Google Maps Android v1 API deprecated - Obtaining API Key for development - Stack Overflow I have several published Android apps with MapView. I have just tried to set up another computer for development, and I am finding out that Version 1 of the Google Maps Android API has been officia... ... As the API key is bound to APK signing key, the qu
Google Maps Android v1 API (Deprecated) - Google Developers Use the Maps classes in your application; Add your Google Maps Android API v1 Key to your application so that your application can display data from the ...
Google Maps Android v1 API (Deprecated) - Google Developers No new features will be added to Google Maps Android API v1. ... The key class in the Maps library is MapView, a subclass of ViewGroup in the Android ...